Gaki Asian Cuisine
Gaki 在亚洲宗教中的意思是饿鬼,是亚洲民间传说中的一种神话动物。所以我们在日本流行文化和卡哇伊概念的启发下创建了这个项目。由于大流行,我们将我们的品牌设计为仅在线。
Gaki means hungry ghost in asian religions a mythological animal of the asian folklore. So we created this project inspired by Japanese pop culture and Kawaii concept. Due to pandemic, we have designed our brand to be online only.
该项目被设计为 AHBV 大学的大四毕业项目。
This project is designed as Senior Year Graduation Project at AHBV University.
创意团队:Gizem Demirezen、Özlem Rüveyda Karaduman。

Packaging Design

Menu Design


Social Media Design
Web Design

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